Apr 4, 2021
Happy Easter! As a follow up to our Passion of the Christ episode, we review another cinematic retelling of Jesus's life and death made within the Hollywood machine - Garth Davis's MARY MAGDALENE, starring real life couple Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus and Rooney Mara as the titular Mary Magdalene. We have some very strong words for this film, which we see as all aesthetics and no substance. Cold digital cinematography, squeaky clean costumes, and a cynical attempt to make Mary Magdalene a "girlboss" doom this film to be an unsatisfying retelling of one of the most epic and passionate stories of all time. Our friend Mary, a pop artist whose voice you hear every week as the singer of our show's outro music, joins us to talk about the lost book of Enoch, and some alternate casting ideas that would have improved MARY MAGDALENE enormously.
Buy and stream Mary's music on Bandcamp: https://th3r3s-som3th1ng-ab0ut-m4ry.bandcamp.com
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