Oct 15, 2023
A plucky art student is kidnapped by satanists and involuntarily impregnated with the cloned embryo of the antichrist in this compelling, overwhelming, and unintentionally hilarious supernatural thriller. THE DEVIL CONSPIRACY is not the family-friendly type of Christian movie we tend to cover on our show; it’s decidedly R-rated for strong language and disturbing body horror. However, the plot is firmly embedded in Christian mythology, embellishing on the biblical battle between St. Michael and his fallen fellow archangel, Lucifer. In the film, Lucifer has escaped cosmic imprisonment and is attempting to regain human form with help from a satanic cult who earn extra money cloning historic heroes such as Michelangelo and Vivaldi and then selling the cloned babies to rich people who want a child with a built-in résumé. Protagonist Laura (Alice Orr-Ewing) is sketching artifacts at a Shroud of Turin exhibition when she and the Shroud are both kidnapped with the intent of implanting Christ’s DNA within her so she can be the “Virgin Mary” of the antichrist. This leads to the movie’s ultimate question: if you were pregnant with the literal devil, would you have an abortion? The resounding answer: no! After a cockamamie series of plot twists and pseudo-intellectual debates, THE DEVIL CONSPIRACY concludes that even Lucifer deserves a second chance. We can’t help but interpret this ending as strongly anti-abortion, a bizarre message to be left with after two hours of watching a woman be possessed and tortured by the demon seed within her.
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