Sep 26, 2021
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The Boys log back on to, your source for the latest Jehovah’s Witness news and media, to do a temperature check on the newest trends in JW filmmaking. We feel unanimously that this Christian sect has one of the most sophisticated production setups in the entire realm of religious propaganda. All of their films are extremely technically proficient, with barely anything out of place. The actors are always well-rehearsed with perfect diction. The writing is always absolutely drastic, with no room for nuance. This week we chose to look at 3 short films specifically aimed at teens in the church. In FLEE FROM IMMORALITY, what seems like harmless flirting between high school students is treated like an emergency situation, and the protagonist opts to completely unfollow his crush on all social media. In IMITATE NOT THE COWARDS, BUT THE COURAGEOUS! the theory of evolution, kissing your date, and staying up late at a party are all treated as equally harmful to one’s character. Lastly, in BEWARE OF TRUSTING IN WHAT FAILS! the Jehovah’s Witnesses hammer in their favorite point - that your job will suffocate you, and aspiring in any way toward a career will lead you to ruin. (They kind of have a point here, honestly.)
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