Feb 2, 2025
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Our new favorite classic television series is WALKER, TEXAS RANGER, a thrilling and campy show starring action film hero Chuck Norris in one of his most legendary roles. It’s a police procedural with the unique twist of depicting Texas Rangers as being skilled in martial arts and frequently involved in supernatural or otherwise extraordinary plots involving elements such as hostile Native American ghosts, white supremacist gangs, time travel, and deadly poison gas. We at Boys’ Bible Study have also recently been TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, an intriguing companion piece because both shows were extremely popular 90s/y2k era franchises that blend conservative cultural values with pulpy, supernatural plot lines. This is evident in the WALKER episode we focus on for this week’s review: PARADISE TRAIL is a story where Walker and friends are being read a story about a 19th century bounty hunter in the Old West guiding a wagon crew of Mormon settlers crossing treacherous wilderness to get to Utah. The WALKER cast imagine themselves in various roles of the story, singing hymns and cooking meals with their pure and extremely Aryan-looking Mormon friends. The episode actually borrows plot points from real historic episodes involving Mormon settlers in the U.S., but like all good propaganda, misrepresents and distorts information to protect the honor of its sympathetic subjects; in this case, white American Christians. WALKER, TEXAS RANGER is much more successful than the Christian movies we usually watch at distilling Christian conservative values while still having broad cultural appeal.
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