Jan 19, 2025
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As we await the great new Christian film of 2025, we realize there are still quite a few new offerings from last year that we at Boys’ Bible Study haven’t yet reviewed. Meet director Mignon Pinson, a faith-based film auteur as of yet unfamiliar to us, who seems to have begun her career in 2020 with a series of shorts and then a string of features primarily focusing on black Christian family life. MY PRIVATE LINE TO GOD is her latest film, which appears to be inspired by the famous verses Matthew 18-20 “Where two or three are gathered in the name…” It uses an adoption story to enforce key themes about the power of prayer and the importance of nuclear families attending church together. Married Christian couple Janice and Calvin are overjoyed to adopt their daughter, Joy, after being unable to have a child themselves. Joy is the answer to all of their prayers, but it seems that settling into life as parents causes them to take their blessings for granted. The couple start bickering about relatively minor things such as how many guests to invite to Joy’s 7th birthday party. Janice stops going to church because she becomes convinced the pastor “only cares about the tithes.” This confuses Joy, who retreats into prayer by calling God directly on the brand new phone she receives as a birthday gift. MY PRIVATE LINE TO GOD ends up being a film about how the precocious and sincere prayers of a faithful little girl can work real world miracles. It’s a wholesome Christian family film, but not without its narrative inconsistencies: Janice and Calvin’s fights are completely arbitrary and their stated viewpoints are frequently conflicting dialogue from earlier in the film. Dialogue is often delivered in a stilted tone that feels inhuman and unrealistic. Still, we’re always excited and intrigued to add a new directorial voice to the BBS “pantheon” and think Ms. Pinson has a lot to contribute to the faith-based film scene as a contemporary 2020s voice.
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